Monday, July 27, 2009

Vado . . . a FRANCIA???

Yes, I know - this is an ITALY blog - says so in the title! However, after 15 years of going to Italy (yes, friends - since 1995, with Baylor - the first Baylor in Italy group), I am finally branching out and heading to France this week!

First of all, thank you, Mlle. May ( for your French talk with me earlier this week! I can't wait to share this experience with you and whatever random other person wants to see ME in culture shock. Yes, kids - I do expect it - remember those feelings you had at the beginning of the Italy trip, and you wished I could sympathize? I did, and I REALLY will this time - the only phrase I really have down is "je ne parle pas Francais", and maybe "ou sont les toilettes?". Maybe "je voudrais deux croissants, sil vous plait".

Upon our arrival, Jay and I immediately head to the Loire Valley, where we join family and friends at the end of their week's stay at a chateau - - and I can't wait to see what is in store for us in this experience! Already have done a few firsts:
1. Pre-reserved train tickets. Craziness to me. And bigger craziness that the price changes, like airfare, as you get closer to the departure? No more 18E 3-hour a/c'd bus rides for us - we're paying over 10 times than that for a two-hour train ride!
2. Accepted the fact that I'm not the super-tourist. My mother-in-law found some rockin' awesome fares and trains which would get us into Tours a few hours' earlier, but, upon realizing that I'd never navigated CDG, nor the shuttles, nor Montparnasse Gare, I knew I couldn't make those trips in the time given. AUGH
3. Set important goals for the trip. I'll be teaching an English class along with my Latin classes in the next academic year, so I have a novel to complete. Also, knowing the delicacies France has to offer, I MUST have a cheese and wine every day. Crepes will happen sometime during the trip, but probably not every day - I'm saving myself for fromage. Also, we are there for two Sundays. I'd love to be able to attend Mass or Vespers at least twice during our stay - one Sunday is in Avignon, after all! I was thinking it would be fun to pick up some papal stuff during my few days in Avignon (we are there two days during the cruise), but I hesitate, being the self-respecting Roman I am ("City of the Popes" belongs to one city only, thank you!!! At least St. Catherine shares the same opinion)

Our second night is in Villeneuve des Avignon (SP?), at a BEAUTIFUL hotel which Nancy (suocera mia) found - - and, yes, I will be doing some pool time there.

So, see - we all have the fun of newness for this summer! I hope to find a computer - our boat is wireless - and get a posting or two during this trip! But until then . . .

Laura :)

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