Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Enrolling and SPI questions

Hi, Future Italophiles!

There have been a few more business-type questions, having to do with applying/signing up for the trip:
1. People are eagerly signing up right now, but, seeing as SPI is in their summer trip management mode, they'll be focused on welcoming you in August/September! Thus, you can wait until then to sign up for the trip! We won't be cutting off the trip applications before November, at least, so don't worry about losing a spot. The deadlines, as posted on www.spiabroad.com, aren't applicable to our special Custom-Italy 2012 trip.
2. Your teacher recommendation is important. Please be sure to include my name, Mr. Philp's name, or Mr. Bearden's name when you register, so that they can be contacted about their recommendation for your acceptance for the trip!
3. PLEASE include any of your special dietary needs in the Housing form. It's important to me to know your personal needs when we travel together!
4. There has been some discussion about concern regarding alcohol consumption on the trip. Let me state this official statement: for the sake of the safety and comfort of the group, it's not permitted. I'll make a new posting on this - see the next entry.

Please feel free to send me an e-mail with any further questions, and I'll be happy to share a prompt reply!


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