Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grazie Mille

Of course, Rome was AMAZING. And the group was so great and tolerant of the death marches - we covered in 24 hours more than what most people see in a week of visiting the city. They will be coming home with handouts labelling every spot we visited, just in case there has been tourist overload. :)

I wanted to personally thank each of you who were on the trip for an amazing experience this year. This was, by far, the best trip I've ever led, and it's all thanks to each of you for adding to it. Maddy, thank you for being so easy-going and always bringing your bright, smiling attitude to the group. Grace, I SO appreciate your patience and sense of humor - you're able to find the fun in every situation. Lauren, it was so nice to have those great chats together - thank you for being such a wonderful listener. Grace, I'm sure everyone in the group would join me in thanking you for your being the one person they can all turn to for help, whether in directions, in instructions, or just in common sense!!! Barbara, it was a treat to continue building our friendship on the trip, and I look forward to sharing our memories through the entire next year. Stephen, thank you for keeping me mindful of staying patient and understanding - you are always such a great example of how to keep peaceful stature in challenging situations. Thomas, your sense of adventure and willingness to explore is so admirable - you made this trip so much better because of your drive to check out new opportunities. And, Mark, you were amazing on this trip - you truly became an Italian during this experience - so much that you even fooled the locals!

Thank you to all of you for this experience. There are murmurs of a possible reunion, and I'm all there!!!

Laura :)

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