Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Buon Giorno, Tutti!

It's official! We're headed to Italy! What an amazing experience we're all going to have!

Yes - it is more than three months out, but the more prepared you are for a trip, the better the trip will be for you. Right now, you need to be thinking about the following things:
1. Getting familiar with your geography: Where are you headed? What do you know about Rome? Do you know anything about Siena (besides the fact that it shares a name with a car and a color in the big box of crayolas)? What about the other cities in Toscana? Firenze? Pisa? Arezzo? Volterra? San Gimignano?
2. Getting familiar with the language: Do you know the standard niceties in Italian (per favore, grazie, prego, si, non, buon giorno, buona sera, piacere)? Do you know your numbers? Colors? Do you know how to ask for something (che cosa, questo/a, quant' e costa, dove, quando)? Can you tell time in Italian? Check out our monthly newsletters for quick phrases to know!
3. Getting familiar with the itinerary: Do you know where we're going to visit? Is there something special you'd like to see in one of our cities on our itinerary? Do you have a favorite artist who hails from Tuscany? Do you know what the food is like (and what it's called in Italian) in Italy?
4. Customizing it for yourself: What do you want from this experience? Before you depart, be sure you've shared your hopes and expectations with me, so that I can help make this the best few weeks you've ever had!

un' abbraccio,
Laura :)

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