Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Buon Giorno, Tutti!

One great way to remember this trip is by keeping a journal. With technology as it is today, there are many ways to do this:
1. Written in a book - the classic way, one which I prefer (helps me settle in to go to sleep at night), writing out your memories is such a personal and effective way to preserve your emotions at that moment. In my written journal, I don't just write out sappy stuff - in here, with the day still fresh on my mind, I also write out a list of places we visited, things we did, a record of expenses, and things I've heard of which I might want to check out later.
2. Postcards - what a great way to send someone else (or even yourself) your memories! I sent Jay a postcard a day during this experience a few years ago - what great memories for both of us when I returned home! Postcards are sometimes the best gifts for family and loved ones - shows them you were thinking of them during your stay, and that you wanted to share a little part of your trip with them.
3. E-mails - before blogging was available, I would write home mass e-mails to family and friends about the experience. Everyone appreciated receiving them, and it saved me LOADS of time!
4. Blogging - with so many blog servers out there, consider keeping a blog, which you can share with your family and friends (Margaret, I am "following" your blog on my blog site!). Like sending out mass e-mails, this saves you a lot of time, is considerably cheaper than mailing, and you can really personalize the site to your own tastes. Who knows? When you get home, you may want to continue this GOOD habit of writing!

No matter what form of media you choose, please do plan to journal on this trip. Things pass so quickly and busily that you'll blink, and realize that the experience has passed. Journaling is such a sacred thing - we will actually have two of our afternoons in Siena dedicated to this experience! I even like to find a spot to which I regularly return to do my journaling (like the Fortezza in Siena) - takes me away for a moment each day to reflect on what I've experienced that day, and what it means in the overall scheme of the trip!

Laura :)

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