Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Top Ten Final Things

Buon Giorno, Tutti!

This MIGHT be my last blog entry before our departure. Be watching the blog, though - I plan to take pictures at our lunch this Friday at Campania Pizzeria, just to show some of our bright, happy faces from Dallas!

For our final pre-departure blog, I thought I'd share with you 10 things to make sure you've done before departing. Totally giving cred to Mlle. May, the Director of SPI-France - great idea, Morgan!!!

10. Communication: If you want to contact me directly, be sure you're using my personal gmail address.

9. Preparation: Check out the June newsletter (which I'm e-mailing to each of you, but it's also posted on the Google group).

8. Expenses: Keep an eye on the current exchange rate:

7. Packing: Make sure you're well packed. See prior blog entries for this.

6. Culture: Find one museum/artist/art piece you REALLY want to see, either in Siena, Florence, or Rome, and write it down. Also, in the same place, write down one experience you absolutely want to have as an Italian.

5. Spending: Make sure you know how to use your debit/ATM card (it's Bancomat in Italy) - codes and all - and, if you choose, obtain some Euro cash from a local American Express or other exchange group. Remember: 150E per week should have you set, if you live in moderation. The most we'll spend is during our two excursion weekends, where you will buy your own meals.

4. Exercising: An athlete in Siena has many options available to them. Are you a runner/walker? Head to the Fortezza to get in some laps! Swimmer? There are two local pool clubs to which you can join. I'm sure there are aerobic classes somewhere, but with the sloping hills of the town, you'll get your cardio in, just walking around town and back to your homestay.

3. Packing: Something to ALWAYS remember when packing? ZIPLOCS (or similar bags) in several sizes - you'll be amazed about how you'll use them!

2. Carryon: Make sure all medication is labeled appropriately, and that you have all your travel documents organized and grouped together. I believe I have a copy of everyone's passport, but if there are copies of any other documents you'd like me to keep stored away, I have an envelope for every person attending the trip!

1. Gratitude: EVERY DAY (heck, every moment you see them) - hug your parents, and thank them for the sacrifices they had to make to send you on this trip. Believe me, they're wishing they could be in your place! And promise them you'll get the most out of this experience.

Parents, I'm sending out hugs daily to each of you, too, for giving your child this experience. And I promise that I'll make SPI Italy a wonderful trip for us all!!!

Grazie mille,
Laura :)

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