Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ah, to cell or not to cell, that is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the expense of the phone bill
Or to await in nervousness
the next time they will make the call home.
No call, no news -- no news, no knowing?
'Tis a consummation for every parent of a child going abroad.

(I could go on! My other teaching area IS English!)

But in all seriousness- and this is a serious topic, truly-parents who send their kiddos oversea always struggle with the decision to invest in a cell phone. Rather than get preachy (as I have done in previous years), may I share a few of my cell phone stories with you?

Story #1: Parents rent a cell phone for their responsible child. Child never charges phone. Battery dies. Parents e-mail me to ask child to charge phone. Daily, I remind child to charge phone. No charged phone. Parents end up just reading my blog for news. (actually, this story happens once every trip!)

Story #2: Parents rent a cell phone for their responsible child. Responsible child uses phone only when parents call her (on a scheduled time). Child's roommate calls boyfriend (in Dallas) on cell phone every night. $500+ phone bill piles up. Responsible child's parents must pay bill.

Story #3: Parents rent a cell phone for their responsible child. Child, missing friends at home, texts constantly, and doesn't participate in group activities. Child never feels part of group, and never realizes that she is living in Italy. Responsible child's parents must pay bill.

Story #4: Parents don't rent a cell phone for their responsible child, but do schedule times to call the child's homestay (received calls cost nothing to homestay families), and child informs homestay of this. Child and parents talk twice during the trip (Tuesdays, at 5:30 PM - 10:30 AM Dallas time), and parents read my blog for trip news. Child has four weeks' of stories (including his takes on all of my blog stories) to share with parents after returning home.

Now, these are just a few stories I've seen regarding cell phones. I am not going to tell you to NOT get a phone for your kiddo, if you really want them to have one. Let's face it - Jeremy has his own leash to me! But, it's the same as in all other situations with going abroad: Whatever distractions you bring over with you are what will keep your experience from being the best.

There are many options - no calling outside of the country, may receive only incoming calls, etc. - but, what it all comes down to is, do you want your kiddo to have that extra link home? And to be spending their time on a phone, rather than experiencing life in Italy? With e-mailing/blogging (which is also FREE), they can get news out to all their friends and family in one note, then head out to enjoy la vita bella!!!

Laura :)

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